Science activity
Articles (36) More info
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Khludnev A.
On Equilibrium Problem for T-Shape Elastic Structure Axioms. 2025. V.14. N1. 49 :1-19. DOI: 10.3390/axioms14010049 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Kovtunenko V.A.
, Itou H.
, Khludnev A.M.
, Rudoy E.M.
Non-smooth variational problems and applications in mechanics Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2024. V.382. N2275. 20230310 . DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2023.0310 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
Non-coercive problems for elastic plates with thin junction Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2024. V.29. N11. P.2236-2245. DOI: 10.1177/10812865241252375 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.
, Lazarev N.
, Zakirov O.
On formation of cavities and rigid inclusions in composite materials: non-coercive case Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States). 2024. V.284. N2. P.224-240. DOI: 10.1007/s10958-024-07345-0 OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.
On equilibrium of a two-layer elastic structure with a crack in non-coercive case Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2024. V.75. N3. 88 :1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s00033-024-02237-4 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
Thin inclusion at the junction of two elastic bodies: non-coercive case Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2024. V.382. N2277. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2023.0296 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
On rigid inclusions and cavities in elastic body with a crack: non-coercive case Сибирские электронные математические известия / Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. 2024. V.21. N2. P.1024-1041. DOI: 10.33048/semi.2024.21.068 WOS |
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Khludnev A.M.
Asymptotic analysis of thin elastic junction between two elastic bodies Applicable Analysis. 2023. V.102. N3. P.800-814. DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2021.1965582 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.
, Rodionov A.
Elasticity tensor identification in elastic body with thin inclusions: non-coercive case Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2023. V.197. N3. P.993-1010. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-023-02216-1 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Fankina I.V.
Noncoercive problems for elastic bodies with thin elastic inclusions Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2023. V.46. N13. P.14214-14228. DOI: 10.1002/mma.9315 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
On the crossing bridge between two Kirchhoff-Love plates Axioms. 2023. V.12. N2. 120 . DOI: 10.3390/axioms12020120 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Rodionov A.A.
Elastic body with thin nonhomogeneous inclusion in non-coercive case Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2023. V.28. N10. P.2141-2154. DOI: 10.1177/10812865231151253 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.
Elasticity problem with a cusp between thin inclusion and boundary Axioms. 2023. V.12. N12. 1081 :1-15. DOI: 10.3390/axioms12121081 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
On the Equilibrium of Elastic Bodies with a Weakly Curved Junction Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2023. V.17. N3. P.544-556. DOI: 10.1134/s1990478923030080 Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Kovtunenko V.A.
, Itou H.
, Khludnev A.M.
, Rudoy E.M.
Non-smooth variational problems and applications Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2022. V.380. N2236. 20210364 :1-3. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2021.0364 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
Asymptotics of solutions for two elastic plates with thin junction Сибирские электронные математические известия / Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. 2022. V.19. N2. P.484-501. DOI: 10.33048/semi.2022.19.041 WOS Scopus РИНЦ |
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Khludnev A.M.
Non-coercive problems for Kirchhoff–Love plates with thin rigid inclusion Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2022. V.73. 54 :1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s00033-022-01693-0 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
Junction problem for thin elastic and volume rigid inclusions in elastic body Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2022. N380. 20210360 . DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2021.0360 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.
, Fankina I.V.
Equilibrium problem for elastic plate with thin rigid inclusion crossing an external boundary Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2021. V.72. P.121. DOI: 10.1007/s00033-021-01553-3 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.
T-shape inclusion in elastic body with a damage parameter Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2021. V.393. 113540 . DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2021.113540 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
Inverse problem for elastic body with thin elastic inclusion Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems. 2020. V.28. N2. P.195-209. DOI: 10.1515/jiip-2019-0075 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.
, Antonio Esposito C.
, Faella L.
Optimal Control of Parameters for Elastic Body with Thin Inclusions Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2020. V.184. P.293–314. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-019-01620-w WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Popova T.
Equilibrium problem for elastic body with delaminated T-shape inclusion Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2020. V.376. 112870 :1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2020.112870 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Popova T.S.
On junction problem with damage parameter for Timoshenko and rigid inclusions inside elastic body ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2020. V.100. N8. 202000063 . DOI: 10.1002/zamm.202000063 WOS Scopus OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Popova T.
THE JUNCTION PROBLEM FOR TWO WEAKLY CURVED INCLUSIONS IN AN ELASTIC BODY Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2020. V.61. N4. P.743-754. DOI: 10.1134/S003744662004014X WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
On thin Timoshenko inclusions in elastic bodies with defects Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2019. V.89. P.1691–1704. DOI: 10.1007/s00419-019-01537-w WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Popova T.
Semirigid inclusions in elastic bodies: Mechanical interplay and optimal control Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2019. V.77. N1. P.253-262. DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2018.09.030 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
On thin inclusions in elastic bodies with defects Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2019. V.70. 45 :1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s00033-019-1091-5 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
Inverse problems for elastic body with closely located thin inclusions Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2019. V.70. 134 :1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s00033-019-1179-y WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
Thin inclusion in elastic body: identification of damage parameter Control and Cybernetics. 2019. V.48. N1. P.13-29. РИНЦ |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Shcherbakov V.V.
A note on crack propagation paths inside elastic bodies Applied Mathematics Letters. 2018. V.79. P.80-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2017.11.023 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
On modeling elastic bodies with defects Сибирские электронные математические известия / Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. 2018. V.15. P.153-166. DOI: 10.17377/semi.2018.15.015 WOS Scopus РИНЦ |
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Khludnev A.M.
Equilibrium of an elastic body with closely spaced thin inclusions Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2018. V.58. P.1660–1672. DOI: 10.1134/S096554251810007X WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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On modeling thin inclusions in elastic bodies with a damage parameter Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2018. V.24. N9. P.2742-2753. DOI: 10.1177/1081286518796472 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Khludnev A.M.
, Popova T.S.
ON CRACK PROPAGATIONS IN ELASTIC BODIES WITH THIN INCLUSIONS Сибирские электронные математические известия / Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. 2017. V.14. P.586-599. DOI: 10.17377/semi.2017.14.050 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Itou H.
, Khludnev A.M.
, Rudoy E.M.
, Tani A.
Asymptotic behaviour at a tip of a rigid line inclusion in linearized elasticity ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2012. V.92. N9. P.716-730. DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201100157 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
Books (1) More info
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Itou H.
, Hirano S.
, Kimura M.
, Kovtunenko V.A.
, Khludnev A.M.
Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications III: Proceedings of the International Conference CoMFoS18 Compilation, Springer. Singapore.2020. 204 c. ISBN 9789811560644. РИНЦ OpenAlex |