Science activity
Articles (3) More info
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Skopintsev A.M.
, Dontsov E.V.
, Baykin A.N.
, Golovin S.V.
The influence of heterogeneous proppant pack on fracture closure and productivity Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2022. V.214. P.110494. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110494 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Skopintsev A.M.
Assessing the effect of proppant compressibility on the conductivity of heterogeneously propped hydraulic fracture Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021. V.2057. N1. P.012078. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2057/1/012078 Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Skopintsev A.M.
, Dontsov E.V.
, Kovtunenko P.V.
, Baykin A.N.
, Golovin S.V.
The coupling of an enhanced pseudo-3D model for hydraulic fracturing with a proppant transport model Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2020. V.236. 107177 :1-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.107177 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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